

  1. TITLE The Association shall be known as The Hempsted Residents’ Association (HRA).
  2. VISION To provide all Hempsted residents with a voice and support on issues that concern them, including,
    but not limited to, planning and related issues and to represent their views with the appropriate
    authorities to ensure they are known, understood and given due consideration.
  3. MEMBERSHIP (a) All persons of 18 years of age and over, residing within the designated neighborhood area,
    and the elected members of the city council and county council (whose area falls within the
    neighborhood area) are considered members of the HRA. The designated area is to the west of
    the Gloucester/Sharpness Canal and between the junction of Castlemeads Way and Llanthony
    Road in the north and Netheridge and Upper Rea in the south.
    (b) All members (HRA Members, Committee Members and Executive Officers) must undertake
    to comply with this Constitution. Any member considered to have acted in a manner, which is
    detrimental to the interests, or good name, of the HRA shall render the member liable to
    expulsion by the Committee. Before expelling any member the Committee shall afford the
    member an opportunity to offer a verbal, or written, explanation of their, conduct. The vote for
    expulsion shall only be carried if not less than two thirds of the Committee present vote in favor.
    If, due to expulsion or resignation, an Executive Officer role becomes vacant then an elected
    committee member may temporarily hold the role until a fully elected replacement is in place.
    (c) Committee Members and Executive Officers may retire from their role providing written notice
    of 30 days to the Secretary or Chair.
  4. MANAGEMENT The business of the Association shall be carried out by an executive committee of up to nine
    members, in addition to the 3 Executive Officers of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
    (a) All members of the committee shall be elected by an A.G.M. of the Association and shall
    serve for a period of one year.
    (b) The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer (the three Executive Officers) shall be elected
    at the AGM.
    (c) The committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members to replace resignations
    or for other reasons at their discretion. The co-opt must occur at a committee meeting and
    be voted upon.
  6. NOMINATIONS (a) Nominations for election to the committee should be made in writing to the Secretary not
    less than seven days before an A.G.M. and should include the name and address of the
    proposer and seconder and the signature of the nominee indicating willingness to serve.
    Nominee, proposer and seconder should not be members of the same household. In the
    absence of sufficient written nominations, oral nomination and seconding may be taken at the
    AGM subject to consent of the nominee
  7. MEETINGS (a) The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once per year. A quorum
    for AGMs shall be at least 1 Executive Officer and half of the Committee members. In
    addition at least 25 members must be present.
    The business of the AGM shall include:
    (i) receiving a report from the Chairperson on the Association`s activities over the year
    (ii) receiving a report from the Treasurer on the finances of the Association
    (iii) electing a new Management Committee and
    (iv) considering any other matter as may be decided
    (b) In addition to the AGM, Special General Meetings (GM) may be called at any time by
    the committee on written request to the Secretary, giving twenty-one days’ notice. A quorum
    at a GM shall consist of at least 1 Executive Officer and half of the Committee members,
    In addition at least 25 members must be present.
    (c) Attendance at AGMs/ GMs should be suitably advertised by the Hon Secretary twentyone days ahead of the proposed date, ensuring maximum participation of HRA Members.
    (d) In addition, Committee Meetings will normally be held every 4 to 6 weeks throughout
    the year. A quorum for Committee Meetings shall consist of at least one Executive Officer
    and one-third of the committee members. Committee members shall attend a one-third of
    all meetings to maintain their position. HRA Members may be invited to attend a committee
    meeting by an elected committee member, notification is to be provided to the Chair ahead
    of the meeting.
    (e) All meetings will be suitably minuted by the Hon Secretary and approved by the Chair
    no later than two-weeks of the meeting. The Hon Secretary must retain all electronic copies
    July 2022
    of the minutes.
  8. VOTING Voting at the AGM, GM and Committee Meetings shall be a show of hands. All HRA Members
    may vote.
  9. AMENDMENTS Proposals to amend the constitution may be made by the committee or by any member for
    approval by an Annual or General Meeting. Such proposals should be submitted to the
    Secretary in writing not less than seven days before the said meeting and should be
    accompanied by the signature of the proposer and seconder. The proposer and seconder
    should not be members of the same household
  10. FINANCES (a) The HRA holds a bank account to cover administrative costs and shall be used only for
    the Association.
    (b) The funds shall be administered by the Honary Treasurer and shall be audited annually
    by a suitably qualified person who is not a member of the committee. The audit report is to
    be presented at the AGM for ratification and sign off. Two signatures shall be required to
    authorise withdrawals, that of the Hon Treasurer and one nominated official.